Our History and Ministry
Mount Zion Community Church was established in 1833. Mount Zion’s building was constructed in 1856 and still has the popular nineteenth-century church feature of two front doors. In the nineteenth century, churches were often built with two doors into the sanctuary. Traditionally, women would enter through one door and men would use the other door. The pews at Mount Zion have a board that acts as a barrier between the two sides. I have been told that they are the original pews. I can only assume that the barrier helped keep the men and the women apart during the worship service. Mount Zion is the largest church on the Charge with an average attendance of sixty each Sunday.
Mount Zion is an intergenerational church with people of all ages attending. The ages of the people attending Mount Zion range from a few months old to over eighty-six years old. There is always a good mixture of ages at each worship service. Sunday school is available for adults and youth. Beginning at 11:15 you can join the adult class in the fellowship hall and the children can attend one of several classes upstairs depending on their age.
Mount Zion is involved in mission work in Madison County. They are substantial contributors to the food bank for the Etlan Community Church Food ministry. Every year at Christmas, they prepare large food and gift baskets for disadvantaged families. The United Methodist women provide school supplies for the local elementary school as well as supply firewood for poorer people of the county who heat their homes with wood. In the summer the Mount Zion youth take part in local mission projects. These projects range from doing home repairs for the elderly people to working in the MESA Food Bank. The United Methodist Men of Mount Zion meet every third Sunday for breakfast, meeting, and fellowship. The Mount Zion United Methodist Men financially support the Madison Senior Center; a local ministry that serves the senior citizens of the county.